How to Use Snap Layouts in Windows?

Windows 11 makes it easy to position windows into pre-set layouts thanks to a feature called Snap.

How to Use Snap Layouts in Windows?

There is simply no need to drag or resize the windows. Easily with the Windows 11 Snap Layouts feature, you can snap windows covering wider screens and many more possibilities.

How Do Snap Layouts Work and Use?

You only need to move the pointer to the Maximize button of any File Explorer, browser, or other application or Press Windows Key + Z to summon the Snap Layouts pop-up. The Snap Layouts option will be automatically activated.

Now select the tiling layout you need. Each snap layout shows where you can place an app pane within the desktop.

Depending upon how many windows you want to stack, and in what manner, you can select your layout. Click into the app pane into which to place the current app window within the desired snap layout. The app window then appears in that section of the desktop.

snap layout

You will then get the option to assign positions to the rest of your windows, turn by turn. Window thumbnails will hover in the unassigned zones, letting you pick which window you want in that particular position. Once you’ve filled all open slots, you’ll have the completed Snap layout in place.

There are six types of layouts for snapping:

1: 50:50 – Two equally sized windows.

2: 80:20 – Includes a major and minor window screen.

3: Three-column equal layout –Requires a laptop/computer screen. Which is fully HD-compliant at 1080p (1920×1080).

4: 50:25:25 – For three window screens.

5: 25:25:25:25 – Useful for multitasking with four open windows

6: Three-column unequal layout.

please note that you cannot overlap one window over the other in Snap Layouts. The windows will resize and adjust accordingly.

Also, when you drag the window up on the desktop, a gray bar appears.

You can drag the window to this area and drop the relevant window into the layout you want. Then select any other windows you want and place them inside the layout.

Thats all..

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