What is the SoftwareDistribution folder and what is it used for?
The Software Distribution folder is a folder that is used to store temporary files, which the files are usually from Windows Updates. SoftwareDistribution folder is located in the Windows directory and is managed by WUAgent (Windows Update Agent).
When Windows Updates is not working properly, it is helpful to delete the contents of the folder. Or, if you need to free up space on the main hard drive, the contents of the Software Distribution folder is safe to delete. Next time when Windows Update files are ready, Windows will automatically create this folder and download the update files from the scratch.
How to Delete SoftwareDistribution Folder on Windows 10 And Windows 11?
Type Command Prompt in the Search menu. Then right-click it to choose Run as administrator:
Run the following commands one by one:
net stop wuauserv
net stop bits
Go to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution and choose Delete. Or C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution folder and delete all the files and folders inside by pressing the Ctrl+A keys to select all and then right-click to choose Delete.
If some files are unable to delete, restart your computer. Once you have deleted the SoftwareDistribution folder, you need to type the following command to activate the services related to Windows Update:
net start wuauserv
net start bits