Here’s where we show you how to logout of Twitter Account on Phone.
Twitter is a very popular social media service that many people use. If you’re a Twitter user, you’ve probably logged into your account on all your different devices. But sometimes you might want to log out of your account on all your devices, maybe a good idea to log out on your mobile device if you aren’t going to have it around for a while, such as when you send it in for service. In case, you don’t know the exact steps to Sign out from a Twitter account, then here’s what you need to do:
How To Logout Of Twitter On Phone
Open Twitter App on your Android phone. Then, on the top left of the App, click up to your Twitter image or egg image. The list of options will be displayed. Scroll down towards the bottom of the displayed options and select the Settings and privacy menu from the Twitter menu list.
Touch the Your Account from the Twitter settings page.
Next, select Account information. Finally, scroll down to the bottom of Account page and tap Log out. Twitter App for Android will display a Log out confirmation pop up.
To confirm the logout action, at the bottom right of the pop up, tap OK.
That’s All.
Published on: Feb 23, 2022-last edited-20-04-2023