Slow Loading Desktop Icons

Slow Loading Desktop Icons

This problem could result because of the presence of many startup programs, a corrupted User Profile or Icon Cache file, etc. Desktop icons that load very slow in Windows are annoying when you first boot up your computer. Windows, all the desktop icons appear only after 4-5 minutes. If your Desktop icons are slow to load in Windows 10-8-7, my recommendation would be to do the following.these suggestions will help you fix the slow startup and boot problems.

Desktop Icons loading very slow in Windows

1- User profile corruption

Maybe your User profile has been corrupted. Log in as some other user and tested.

2- Manage Startup programs

Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the Task Manager and switch to the Startup tab. Here you can disable the startup programs which may be making your Desktop slow to load.

3- Icon Cache file may be corrupted

Method 1:

It is quite possible that your Icon Cache file may be corrupted. Run our Thumbnail & icon cache rebuilder for Windows 10. If it works the first time and then on subsequent restarts, your problem re-appears, rebuild the Icon Cache manually and see if that helps.

If these Hidden files exist, delete them too:


end Delete the file Iconcache.db.



Delete the file Iconcache.db.

Delete that file and the next time you reboot your computer, it will rebuild that file but it will be a smaller size and help make your computer load icons faster.

Method 2 

Iconcache.db automatic deleting

We have coded a simple vbs script here is the simple steps to use it. Please use the download Link (at the end of the page)

1- File and unzip it.
2- Clik the icon_cache_del.vbe

3. Click the show_pass.vbe, User Account Control (UAC) windows can popup and asks you if you want to allow it , Click Yes to proceed.

4- Chooese ok button.

Slow Loading Desktop Icons

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Published on: Apr 15, 2018 – edited date : 07-03-2022

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