How to Hide WhatsApp Last Seen or Online Status Timestamp

WhatsApp is a widely used mobile instant messenger that allows connecting with your friends and family for almost free. However, one of the major thing that has led to many arguments and Whatsapp  squabbles amongst people is the ‘Last Seen At’ stamp on the title bar of an individual.

How to Hide WhatsApp Last Seen or Online Status Timestamp
By default, this timestamp is visible to all contacts, unless you chose to hide “last seen” in WhatsApp. WhatsApp gives you option to hide your Last seen in WhatsApp Privacy Settings, but if you do this, you can not see others Last Seen Status.

After reading this article, you will be able to disable or hide Whatsapp “Last Seen” “online” feature.

Go to Settings from within the WhatsApp application.

Then, tap on Account.

disable or hide Whatsapp "Last Seen" "online" feature

From the options that appear, select Privacy.

Up next, tap on Last Seen and online. Last seen and online tell you the last time your contacts used WhatsApp, or if they’re online. As you can see in this screenshot, it will be possible to configure who can see when we are online right within our last seen settings thanks to two new options: “Everyone” and “Same as Last Seen”.

disable or hide Whatsapp "Last Seen" "online" feature

Here, you can choose between ‘Everyone’ (the only available setting previously) and ‘Same as last seen’. Unless you want everyone to see when you’re online, it’ll have to be set to the same as ‘Last seen’. For example, if you choose “Nobody” for “Last Seen” and “Same as Last Seen” for “online”, it means non-contacts won’t be able to see when you’re online.

disable or hide Whatsapp "Last Seen" "online" feature

*My contacts: WhatsApp Last Seen Status will only be shown to your contacts. Your WhatsApp Last Seen Status will only be shown to your contacts. As that person is not in your Contact list, your Last seen status will not be shown to him-her.

*Nobody: WhatsApp Last Seen the information cannot be seen by any.

There are a few reasons why you might not be able to see a contact’s Last Seen:

They might have set their privacy settings to hide this information.

You might have set your privacy settings to not share your Last Seen.

If you don’t share your Last Seen, you can’t see other contacts’ Last Seen.

You might have been blocked.

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