Why Chrome Not Asking to Save Passwords?

Why Chrome Not Asking to Save Passwords?

Keeping your passwords saved is the fastest way to log in to a website. In general, when you sign in a website in Google for the first time, a prompt will pop up in the top-right corner to remind you of saving your password. If you accept, Chrome will save the password internally in its memory, and the next time you open that site, it will auto-fill the username and password fields for you. But what happens when Chrome doesn’t ask to save the password?

How To Fix : Chrome isn’t Asking to Save Passwords

1- Open Chrome and type ‘chrome://settings/passwords’ into the URL bar.


2- Make sure Offer to Save Passwords is turned on.

Why Chrome Not Asking to Save Passwords?

After enabling this feature, Google Chrome should ask you automatically to save passwords and the problem should be resolved.

if the problem persists, create a new user account after that problem must be solved

Published on: May 23, 2019 – edited date: 10-03-2022

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