Restrict User from moving or Unpinning Tiles

Tile Locker: Restrict User from Tiles on Windows 10

You will get the User tile menu appearing at the top left corner of Windows 10 Start Menu. These tiles are pretty much customizable in a lot of ways. For instance, right-clicking a tile gives you options to pin or unpin it, change its size, and turn live tile on/off etc.

However, Imagine a situation where you arrange all the tiles and some one rearranges or deletes some tiles (maybe on a multi-user computer or childrens…)

Is there a way to prevent users unpinning tiles (apps/programs) from Start Menu? Yes. You need to lock the Start Menu layout in order to restrict users from customizing or altering it.

Prevent Users from Unpinning or rearranging Tiles

We have coded a simple vbe script here is the simple steps to use it. Please use the download Link (at the end of the page)

1- File and unzip it.

2- Click the Tiles_lock.vbe

3- User Account Control (UAC) window can popup and asks you if you want to allow it, Click Yes to proceed.

4- Chooese ok button.

5-Windows explorer will restart and you will notice that you are no longer able to access the options in the left section of the app bar upon right-clicking the Start screen.


First click: start screen Tile movement and Right click has been restricted.

Prevent Users from Unpinning or rearranging Tiles

Second click: start screen tile restricted has been removed

Prevent Users from Unpinning or rearranging Tiles

▼Download▼ Password:ceofix

Published on: Apr 13, 2019-edited date: 18-08-2020

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