How to Change Your Local Account Picture in Windows 11
Do you don’t want to see a boring Windows 11 profile picture? Bored of having a grey icon as your Windows 11 profile picture? To change your account picture in Windows 11, follow these steps:
How to change a user profile picture in Windows 11?
( You can watch the how to video which located at the end of the article)
Open Settings (Win+I)or Click on Start > Settings.
Use the left pane to navigate to the Accounts tab. Under Account settings, click on Your info. In the ‘Adjust your photo’ section, click Browse files.
Then select the account image from the folder you saved it in.
Click the Choose picture option.
Your account photo will be changed right away, Now you’ll immediately see the newly selected user account image in Settings also on the Start menu also you can enjoy the new look of your sign-in experience.