If you have many friends in your WhatsApp contact list, Pin chat feature allows you to pin up to three specific chats to the top of your chats list. This is even if there are no new messages from the contact. Only you can pin up to three WhatsApp conversations. After the ceiling limit, the app shows a notification that ‘You can only pin up to 3 chats’ if you try to pin another chat. Once you have prioritized the most significant contacts, they will always display at the top; thereby making it a lot easier to access them.
Here’s how you can pin or unpin WhatsApp chats. The process is more or less same for all platforms.
How to Pin a friend chat on top WhatsApp Chats Screen?
1- Follow the steps below to Pin Chats in WhatsApp on your Android Phone.
2- Open WhatsApp and go to chat Tab.
3- On the Chats screen, select the Chat that you want to Pin by tapping and holding on it.
4- On the iPhone, swipe to the right on the chat you want to pin to the top and then tap Pin. On Android, tap and hold on the chat and then tap the pin icon.
That’s it. The chat will appear at the top of the list.
To unpin: If you wish to unpin the chats, tap and hold the chats that have been pinned. Tap the Remove pin icon at the top.
That’s All…
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Published on: Mar 17, edited date 01-01-2022
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