Is there any symbol for infinity in a phone keyboard?
Ofcourse there are plenty of useful keys buried under one long-press on your Android. One of them is the symbol of infinity. The English word for infinity is taken from the Latin word ‘infinitas’ which means unboundedness or endless. This Latin word itself originated from the Greek word “apeiros”, meaning “endless”. Infinity refers to something with no bound or limit and was a concept used. Infinity in mathematics is considered as a number and represented as ∞. It is an endlessness and limitless concept which describes something without any bound or larger than any number. Infinity is something which cannot be measured.
Today, the concept of infinity has reached far beyond its original meanings in academics. Infinity is now used popularly to imply something will last forever. Its most popular use is as an expression of eternal love or unstoppable capability. To different people, what the infinity sign means could be different. The meaning assigned to an infinity sign could be love between family or friends or the love with God.
How to type infinity symbol, on WhatsApp, Facebook, SMS etc ?
Tap ” ?123 ” key. Then Tap ” =\< ”
Long press on = symbol.
You will see the symbols ∞, ≠, and ≈. Swipe to the leftmost option which is the infinity symbol (∞).
PS: Keep in mind I’m using Google keyboard, so it may be different for your phone.
Published on: Mar 3, 2022 – Last edited 21-02-2024