How To Turn On Or Off Raise To Wake In Android?

Turn On Or Off Raise to Wake in Android

How To Turn On Or Off Raise To Wake In Android

The Raise to wake feature allows you to turn on the display by simply lifting your phone from a table or removing it from your pocket. This is super handy for quickly checking notifications on the lock screen or other situations where you’re trying to discreetly interact with your phone. Also if you combine it with face recognition or fingerprint you can activate and unlock your phone in one swift move.

Turn On The Raise to wake in Android

Go to settings and tap “Lock screen“.
In those options, you can find the “Raise to wake” option.
Quickly tap on the slider to enable.

Some people love to use this feature, and some don’t. The make reason is it consumes the battery life. Also, If you do not want your notifications visible to people nearby you can turn off “Raise to Wake.”

Turn On The Raise to wake in Android

Select Settings > Lock screen.
And tap the button near Raise to Wake to disable the feature.

The different ways you CAN wake up your phone.

Press the power button.
This is the original method and should work on any Android phone.

Double tap the screen.

Simply double-tap anywhere on the screen to wake it up.

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Published on: Nov 29, 2021 -Last edited: 13-03-2023

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