Change Names of the App Icons on Android (No APP-No Root)

Change app name on Android phone

Change Names of the App Icons on Android (No APP-No Root)

When you install an app on an Android device, a shortcut for the app is created with a default name and added to your home screen, with these shortcuts that come by default, you can quickly access the programs you want to open. For example Play Store, Gallery, Settings, Gmail ….

Have you ever wished to rename an application from the ones that are established on your Android smartphone However, there was no easy way to do this in the old andorid versions, if you are using Android 10 (Q) version or higher, you can easily rename the shortcuts.

If you want to change the name of any Shortcut icon on the home screen, including the Settings application, follow the steps below sequentially.

1. Suppose you want to rename the Settings app, long tap on the Shortcut icon on the home screen, a new menu will open. In this menu, features such as Uninstall, Edit, Widgets, Application information … are located. Click on Edit.

Change app name on Android phone

2. When the editing screen opens, touch the Settings text once, the screen keyboard will appear at the bottom, type a name you want and finally click the “OK” button.

Change Names of the App Icons on Android (No APP-No Root)

The “Reset” feature on the top screen is useful for reverting to the default application name, no matter what name you have given the application. In short, you don’t need to rewrite the name to restore it. After a long tap on any application, it is enough to say edit on the screen that opens and then say “Reset”.

Change app name on Android phone

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