Make Taskbar & Alt Tab Switcher 100%Transparent on Windows 10

Make Your Taskbar and Alt Tab switcher Translucent or 100% transparent on Windows 10

Make Taskbar & Alt Tab Switcher Translucent or 100% Transparent

By default, all Windows 10 taskbar’s have their default color. However, along with the color, the users desire the transparency. You can use our portable “Transparent Taskbar Tool” to change the taskbar transparency.

After installing version 20H2, Start Menu, Taskbar, Alt Tab switcher not getting the transparency effects. But our portable “Transparent Taskbar Tool” is a cool option.

Translucent Start Menu

Transparent Taskbar Tool.exe is an AIO (All in One) tool and it is a portable freeware Application to help users manage windows Theme. After Download , extract it and run the Transparent Taskbar Tool.exe , it has a Minimalistik GUI , you will see 10 Buttons. Of course , We recommend that you make a backup before changing the taskbar transparency. Here is how to use it.

Transparent Taskbar Tool

How to use Transparent Taskbar Tool on Windows 10

( You can watch the how to video which located at the end of the article)

Export (Backup) button: If you want to make a back up of your theme click on it. (RECOMENDED.)

back up your theme

Transparent Taskbar Button: If you want to make the Taskbar “Transparent ” click on it.

full Transparent Taskbar

Transparent Alt-Tab Button: If you wish to make the Windows “Alt+Tab switcher transparent” click on it.

Transparent Alt-Tab

Themes button: This button open Windows 10 themes settings.

Windows 10 Themes

Inactive Window Color button: The inactive title bar color in Windows 10 is plain white by default. To change inactive title bar color click on it. In the popup window, type the RGB value of the color of your choice under Value data box and click OK. You may need to google the RGB value of your preferred color.

Inactive Window Color button

Import (Restore) button: Restore your theme settings from a backup. When you have a backup, you can use it to restore your theme at any time, including after the original theme settings are changed from.

Translucent Taskbar Button: If you want to make the Taskbar “Translucent ” click on it.

Translucent Taskbar

Translucent Alt-Tab Button: To make the Windows “Alt+Tab switcher Translucent ” click on it.

Alt+Tab switcher Translucent

Colors button: If you want to open Windows 10 Start Menu, Taskbar, Action center, Title Bars and Window borders colors options click on it. Click on the “Transparent taskbar button” again to reactivate the 100% transparent taskbar after changing the color.

Windows 10 colors

Pure Black Taskbar button: To Get ” Pure Dark Theme tool.exe” click on it.  With this tool you can get the pure black theme.

That’s All. Hope you like the Transparent Taskbar Tool.exe to make Windows 10 taskbar transparent.

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Make your Windows 10 Taskbar And Start Menu 100% Pure Black 

Change The Accent Color Only in The Taskbar on Windows 10 

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