How to show or hide the Full URL in Google Chrome?
Google Chrome hiding the full URL in the address bar of the sites you visit. By default, hides the https:// and www part of any URL, or web address you type in. But, Even if those portions of the URL are not significant for most users, it’s still not a change that everyone prefers. Because the measure is a security risk and could help attackers.
To view the full URL or the full web address, you need to click on the address bar twice. This seems kind of stupid. Following users’ outcry opposing this change, Thankfully Google reversed the decision. If for some reason you need the full URL displayed, you’ll be able to enable in the right-click menu the full URL, here is how to do it.
How to always show full URLs in Google Chrome’s address bar
Open the Google Chrome browser.
Right-click the URL in the address bar and select the Always show full URLs option.
Of course, If you ever want to back to the default setting, right-click on the URL and uncheck the option.
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Published on: Nov 24, 2020-Last edited date: 15-04-2023